UPDATED: August 14, 2020 with details of metropolitan Melbourne Stage 4 measures.
The below advice is largely based on information produced by the Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association and as such is relevant to Australian businesses only.
AAAA has also kindly agreed to share with VASA members its excellent, informative series of webinars designed to help automotive businesses navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and related government support. These webinars can be accessed through the members-only section of the VASA website. VASA will update this page every time a new webinar is posted.
No equivalent for the NZ automotive industry appears to be published, although MTA NZ has kindly provided VASA with market-specific information that can be found at the end of this page under the heading NZ Resources. Otherwise, official guidance for NZ businesses and the NZ alert system guide. However, New Zealand has published a list of essential businesses on its official government COVID-19 response website.
In most of Australia (except Victoria):
- With the exception of public (as opposed to online) vehicle auctions, the entire Australian automotive industry remains open for business, from sales of any vehicle type to the most minor repairs.
- All businesses operating must meet social-distancing guidelines — keeping people 1.5 metres apart, and ensuring 4 square metres per person — and not have gatherings of more than 100 people indoors.
- Businesses are encouraged to adjust work practices around these guidelines in order to keep operating, such as arrange for staff to work from home.
In metropolitan Melbourne (as interpreted from publicly available information, call Business Victoria on 13 22 15 if unsure about your situation):
Motor vehicle repair and service
Can continue in businesses with a COVID Safe Plan, so long as the work is providing repair and service for essential services and trade. Minimum possible staff in the workshop when required and no public onsite access. All staff must use masks, hygiene stations and social distancing at all times plus restricted access to common areas.
Vehicle modifications
Difficult to interpret as some modifications (such as adding roof racks for example) does not constitute vehicle repair, servicing or maintenance. To be on the safe side, work must be with the intent of supporting the repair of vehicles.
Parts suppliers
Can continue business with COVID Safe Plan. Supply to essential services and trade plus fulfilling online orders or contactless collection is allowed provided restrictions, hygienic practices, and social distancing are adhered to with high caution. Warehouses must have the minimum possible staff and all must use masks, hygiene stations and social distancing at all times plus restricted access to common areas.
Sole traders
Can continue to operate if they have zero contact with the public or people other than those living in their primary household.
Front door retail must be closed and shopfronts must be closed to public access. Retailers can work onsite for the purposes of fulfilling online and phone orders. Contactless pick-up is allowed provided restrictions, hygienic practices, and social distancing are adhered to with high caution. Must operate with the minimum possible staff and all must use masks, hygiene stations and social distancing at all times plus restricted access to common areas.